Texas...a failed conservative experiment - Baltimore Nonpartisan | Examiner.com:
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Average Teacher Salary as a % of Avg Annual Pay = 49th
Current Expenditures Per Student = 44th
State Aid Per Pupil in Average Daily Attendance = 47th
% of Elementary/Secondary…Funding from State Revenue = 47th
% of Population 25 and Older With a [HS] Diploma = 50th
High School Graduation Rate = 41st
Enrollment Rates in Higher Education = 39th
Per Capita State Spending on State Arts Agencies = 47th
Percentage of Uninsured Children = 1st
Percentage of Children Living in Poverty = 7th
Percentage of Children Fully Immunized = 36th
Percentage of Children Overweight = 5th
Teenage Birth Rate = 1st
Percentage of Non-Elderly Women with Health Insurance = 50th
Rate of Women Aged 40+ Who Receive Mammograms = 42nd
Rate of Women Aged 18+ Who Receive Pap Smears = 46th
Cervical Cancer Rate = 6th
Family Planning = 45th
Women’s Voter Turnout = 49th
Percent of Mortgage Loans that are Sub prime = 8th
Percent of Households with Interest-Bearing Accounts = 41st
Private Loans to Small Businesses = 43rd
Level of Asset Poverty = 43rd
Amount of Money that Banks Located in the State Collect through Deposits in Relation to the Amount of Money the Banks Re-channel Back into Communities Through Loans = 45th
Average Credit Score = 50th
Percentage of Women Living in Poverty = 3rd
Air Pollution Emissions = 1st
Amount of [VOC's] Released into Air = 1st
Amount of Toxic Chemicals Released into Water = 1st
Amount of Recognized Cancer-Causing Carcinogens Released into Air = 1st
Amount of Hazardous Waste Generated = 2nd
Amount of Carbon Dioxide Emissions = 1st
Richest 20% of families have avg incomes 7.9 larger than poorest 20% and 2.8 times larer than middle 20%
From the late 1980s to the mid-2000s, the avg income of the poorest 20% has increased $2,657…the middle 20% has increased $4,528.
…the average income of the richest 20% increased $32,813 [in that 20 year span]
A 2002 report found that 86% of nursing homes in Texas did not meet federal standards governing quality of care, 94% of nursing homes did not meet minimum staffing levels, and 39% of facilities had a violation that caused actual harm to nursing home residents or placed them at risk for death or serious injury.
The average nursing home in Texas provided just 21 minutes of daily care by registered nurses for each resident, or less than half of the minimum required by federal standards.
Percentage of Population Uninsured = 1st
Percentage of Non-Elderly Uninsured = 1st
Percentage of Low Income Covered by Medicaid = 42nd
Percentage…with employer Based Health Insurance = 46th
Total State Government Health Expenditures as Percent of the GSP = 33rd
Per Capita State Spending on Mental Health = 48th
Percentage of Population Physically Active = 41st
Physicians – 43rd
Dentists = 42nd
Registered Nurses = 43rd
2005, the birth rate for ages 15-19 was 61.6 per 1000, compared to 40.5 in the U.S.
2001 statewide survey of Texas high school students, almost half had engaged in sexual intercourse at least once. (37.4% of 9th graders)
Among currently sexually active students, only about half reported that they or their partner had used a condom…Only 10% reported that they or their partner used birth control pills.
22.6% of sexually active students had used drugs or alcohol at the time of their last sexual intercourse.